We ares a producer and supplier of software for financial sector.


We are marked by out long experience which is affirmed by numerous references and is based on implementation of various IT projects connected to financial sector. We provide up-to-date, high-tech, and productive solutions made in accordance to requirements of banks and legal regulations. Therefore, we exploit the newest technologies as well as our specialists’ practical knowledge related to project management, banking, designing and implementing IT systems and information security.

One of the examples of the software made by our specialists is Advanced Reporting System ARES which is a complex solution in the range of obligatory reporting. Additionally, it allows accomplishment of each and every obligatory reporting requirement, with the possibility of establishing them in administrated reporting.

ARES – Advanced Reporting System

The comprehensive solution for mandatory reporting

ARES is the up-to-date tool made up using three-layered architecture with the relational data model. The three-layered construction of the system fits all the standards according to requirements of D recommendation, published by KNF, allowing to separate available system interface from logic of processing and storage of the data.
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It uses three-layered architecture and it is very user-friendly and effective.



Each type of reporting represents one dedicated module of the ARES SYSTEM which is establishing concerted functions of the whole platform and therefore expands the range of its operation by adding support and service for the specific requirements imposed on the particular reporting.

Implementation of the newest reporting or specialized modules takes place without any essential changes in the bank’s IT environment.



Installation of the system on the server does not involve installing any extra software on the client’s stations in which result management of the system is easy and transparent.



Control of the availability of individual functions and types of reporting, (with the possibility to integrate Single Sign-On mechanism)



The highest effectiveness by dint of multi-layered contracts processing and using all of the available processes of the server.


Consistent user’s interface

The access to all of the functions and types of reporting is available from the simplest internet browser- therefore there is a possibility to switch between different modules without any additional logging into the System.


Report version control

Flexibility in preparing reports on historical data, thanks to the use of reporting versioning, as a response to changing legal regulations.

Collateral work

The faster implementation thanks to functionality of collateral work of many users of the same data.

Data import and export

Optimization of the direct database import with the possibility to provide any data from different databases.

Registration of actions

Saving information about all activity made by users

Modular architecture

System has a modular structure, it makes easier to implement and use the particular reporting packets. Each type of reporting corresponds to particular, dedicated module of the ARES SYSTEM (e.g. FINREP, MONREP, NB300) which uses the same IT infrastructure and functions of the whole reporting platform as well as expands the range of the actions, adding service of the specific requirements attached to specific reporting.


The system offers a wide set of modules supporting the preparation of reports, within the mandatory reporting drawn up by financial institutions:

  • FINREP – set of reports concerning financial information: individual (published by NBP) and consolidated (published by EBA).
  • MONREP – set of reports concerning monetary statistics.
  • DEKADA – set of daily and decade reports.
  • BOP – set of reports and controlled rules for the reporting of the balance of payments and international investment position.
  • BFG – reporting for Bank Guarantee Fund.
  • NB300 – set of reports NB300, MB300 and NBS300, concerning exposure concentration limits.
  • COREP – set of reports concerning on own funds and requirements for own funds.
  • Large Exposures – set of reports concerning high involvement.
  • LIREP – set of reports concerning liquidity indicators (LR, LCR, NSFR, AE, ALMM).
  • BSP – set of reports concerning Statistics of Payment.
  • RESOLUTION – set of reports concerning information necessary to develop restructuring plans (requirement of the Bank Guarantee Fund).
  • RIF – reporting regarding the Register of Financial Instruments (requirement of the BFG).


The part of ARES System are also computing modules, extending the software functions associated with data processing and analysis:

  • ESP – performs the valuation at amortized cost using the Effective Interest Rate, together with the generation of accounting notes.
  • Loan Impairment – determines the level of specific provisions by calculating impairment for balance sheet and off-balance sheet items using the internal ratings method.

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